Hannah Claire Shi Lin

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Care Package

On Tuesday we ordered a care package from http://www.redthreadchina.com/ to be sent to our little Shi Lin. Red Thread China is a company in China run by a lady named Ann that specializes in sending care packages to children waiting to be adopted. We ordered a package that included pajamas, a doll, and a blanket for our little ladybug. With the package, we could email Ann a letter to Shi Lin, which Ann translated into Chinese for us so her foster mother can read it to her, and a list of questions for the foster mother about our daughter. There was also a camera, so she can take pictures of her in her daily activities, and candy for the foster mother and any foster children or friends of our daughter. To this care package we added a photo album. I photoshoped Chinese captions onto photos of us and emailed them to Ann, and he printed them out and put them in the photo album for us.

I received an email today with attached photos of the actual package that will be delivered to Shi Lin. I was so excited to get this email! Our first contact with our daughter! The email said that she should receive the package in a few days. The thought of Shi Lin seeing pictures of us and knowing we are her family just brings me so much joy! I wonder what she will think of it all!

According to what I've heard from others who have used Red Thread China, after the pictures were taken, Ann got the camera back and emailed the pictures to the parents. I'm hoping we'll get to see some updated pictures of our little girl soon!

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